CS - Program to generate Fibonacci Series

Write a program to generate a Fibonacci series up to a given number using C++?

First of all we need to know - What is Fibonacci Series? 

It is a series of numbers that follows some pattern generated by adding previous two numbers, where first two numbers are 0 and 1. Fibonacci series has lots of uses in our life, you can easily find them on internet, just by googling it. But I have kind brought them on a single page - Click here to get more information about Fibonacci series. 

C++ Program for generating Fibonacci Series (using while loop):


void main()
         int N, a=0,b=1,c=a+b;
         cout<<"\nEnter the Upper Limit: ";
         cout<<a<<" "<<B<<" ";
                cout<<c<<" "


C++ Program for generating Fibonacci Series (using for loop):


void main()
         int N, a=0,b=1,c=0;
         cout<<"\nEnter the Upper Limit: ";
         cout<<a<<" "<<B<<" ";
                cout<<c<<" "


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