
Online Classes in Computer Science (Python) from Edukers

Why Online Classes? The current situation that has arises due to the widespread of corona virus,  today millions of users are compelled to shift all that moves life - online. Internet usage has increased by many times. Education sector is also one such sector that can't be ignored for that long. Hence online platform that works with the help of Internet must be employed. Online classes were there, before corona virus also but this platform was used only by few who are net savvy and quite familiar with the online platform. I personally feel, today there is still there are large amount of people who feel shy of using this platform for education. You will be surprised though that among them, there is still large amount of people who use internet to post status on Facebook, post on Instagram or follow there favorite YouTubers, but still learning online is still not fully exploited. It is quite same as sometime back people were scared to pay online or shop online, but than...

CS - Program to find a given number is Perfect Number or not?

Objective: To find the given number is Perfect Number or not? Program should accept a number using C++ and find out it is Perfect Number or not. What are Perfect Numbers? Perfect Numbers are those numbers who's sum of individual factors is same as the number itself, with an  exception the number itself should not be included as one of the factors. C++ Solution (Keeping in mind the students of class XI/XII having Computer Science with C++ as one of their subject) #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int chk_PerfectNumber(int n) { int sum=0; for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)         {             if(n % i == 0)             {                 sum = sum + i;             }         }         if(sum == n)         {     ...

CS - Program to generate Fibonacci Series

Write a program to generate a Fibonacci series up to a given number using C++? First of all we need to know -  What is Fibonacci Series?   It is a series of numbers that follows some pattern generated by adding previous two numbers, where first two numbers are 0 and 1. Fibonacci series has lots of uses in our life, you can easily find them on internet, just by googling it. But I have kind brought them on a single page - Click here to get more information about Fibonacci series.  C++ Program for generating Fibonacci Series (using while loop): #include<iostream.h> void main() {          int N, a=0,b=1,c=a+b;          clrscr();          cout<<"\nEnter the Upper Limit: ";          cin>>N;          cout<<a<<" "<<B<<" ";          while(c<=N)   ...

Looking for Home Tuition? Computer Science or Informatics Practices

Are you looking for Home tuition in and around Dwarka, Janak Puri, Vikas Puri or Delhi Cantt etc for CBSE Computer Science and Informatics Practices -Class XI/XII? We provide you with highly experienced faculty with more than 15 years of experience. If you are living in Dwarka, Janak Puri, Vikas Puri or Delhi Cantt or any other adjacent area you can contact us at details given below this article. Faculty is highly experienced and developer by profession knows inside out about the subject and has equal number of man years experience in teaching as well.  Faculty has very good communication skills and vast development experience also enriches the quality of education.  Just feel free to contact: Mob: 09810802467 email: facebook: YouTube: website: